
Written by Morgan Quigley, Scott Gleason, and Pieter Abbeel, with contributions from many others

The easiest way to get the code up and running (like any other task) is to use a Linux box. This page assumes you are using a relatively recent Ubuntu/Debian distribution, but the instructions should be easily adapatable to other Unices.



You will need Subversion, a C++ compiler, and wxWidgets. On Ubuntu/Debian, this is easy:

sudo apt-get install build-essential subversion libwxgtk-dev

That's it! That's why we love Linux.

Check out the code

Pull up a terminal window. These instructions assume the code will land in ~/fastgps but of course you can adapt them if you want the code somewhere else.

svn co ~/fastgps

Build the code

cd ~/fastgps

Get some data

Software receivers need data. Lots of it. The fastgps checkout will create an empty "data" directory for you, but it's up to you to fill it with something useful. You can either produce your own data files or use some files supplied here as a samples to get started.

Run the code

Within the ~/fastgps directory, you can either run ./fastgps for a console-mode program, or ./wxfastgps for a slightly cooler GUI program. These programs will print information to their respective consoles during runtime, as well as produce a number of files containing detailed logs of the various processing stages. The usual cycle is 1) tweak fastgps_config.txt 2) run it 3) look at console/logs 4) repeat.